Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I. HATE. Bedtime.

There are some thing about being a mom that just plain suck. 
Things no one likes to do, like changing poopy diapers, cleaning up puke, you know, the usual gross stuff.  It's normal to dislike certain parts of your job.  We all do, and being a mom is the best and HARDEST job in the world.  
I don't love changing poopy butts and cleaning up the nasty's that come with being a mommy, but it's not punishment either.  Simply another part of my daily routine. 

There is one part of being a Mommy that I am yet to get used to.  One thing that for the life of me I cannot enjoy.

Bedtime with Saige. 
It literally sucks the life out of me.   

Every night around 8:30 I start to dread it.  Knowing that I will spend the next 1-3 hours fighting to keep her in her bed long enough to fall asleep drains every ounce of energy from my body before we even start. 

Trying to negotiate with a two year old is challenging.  
Trying to negotiate with Saige is impossible.

I know this is something that I should love.  Bedtime is supposed to be a magical time filled with stories, kisses, and cuddles.  I don't remember who implanted that little fantasy into my head, but they should be severely punished.

Maybe it's just me.  
Or maybe its Saige. 
Bedtime has never been a magical time.  
JJ and I have started trading off kids at night, one night I get Saige, the next Swayzee.  If it's been a busy night and JJ hasn't showered by 9 or 10, I get both.  
Those nights, I die a little inside.  
Swayzee is easy peasy, feed and change her, kiss her sweet little face off, set her in the crib, and she is asleep in 5 minutes flat.  
Then the cycle begins of Saige waking Swayzee up every 5 minutes.  Screaming. Laughing. Crying. Banging her head on the wall.  I'm not joking.
I can't win for losing with this kid sometimes. 
The ONLY thing that keeps me going is knowing that eventually she WILL fall asleep. 
Then again, that doesn't really mean anything because like I have said before, she sleeps like a Vietnam Vet with PTSD.  Flailing around, screaming, kicking, talking in her sleep,  DEMANDING "Docta Peppa" & "Toopy and Binoo" (her favorite cartoon)
There is never peace and quiet in this household.

After 8PM it is supposed to be Mommy time. 
After 13 hours of non-stop, no-napping, crazy, wild child, tornado, two-year-old screaming Saige, Mommy needs a break

I'm telling you, I love these kids with all of my being.  They are my entire life and I absolutely wouldn't have it any other way, but I loathe bedtime with Saige.  

I've tried everything short of shackling this kid to her bed, she is still a little shit when the lights go out.
Though, I have to say, we are making improvments.  
We went from Saige sleeping in our bed, up at least 10-15 times a night, to Saige in her OWN bed in her OWN room, up anywhere from 3-10 times a night.  IN 3 MONTHS!!
These are HUGE steps for Saige,  & I am forever in debt to those of you who have given me so much wonderful advice.  

I want to enjoy every single second of these kids when they are little, because I know I will miss everything, but I cannot wait till this kid sleeps through the night.

&& Just because we can't have a blog post without pictures, here are some of my favorite sleepy time pictures. You can tell which one NEVER sleeps.

Seriously, how can you not love this face.
Morning time cuddles.

Cuddles with Daddy.

Swayzee and baby sister..... ;)

Jacked her sippy. 100% NOT staged.
Saige and Lammie have been fighting a lot lately.

The floor is more comfy any how.

Life's pretty tough when you're this cute.



  1. Loved this. Related to this. I promise you; it will get easier. One day you'll look back and laugh, but now, in the midst of your nightmare, the emotions you feel are very real. I think switching off with JJ is a great idea. Stick to your guns. You deserve YOUR time. You are absolutely right. Best of luck, Sweetie.

  2. I do believe I ruined this child. The first is always the hardest. No one can teach you the things that you learn by raising your first, you learn by experiences. Thank goodness I've learned so much to make little Swayzee a better sleeper.


I would love to hear tips, tricks, and advice from some other mommies! Please share your stories!