Monday, June 3, 2013

Fun at the lake!

We decided to take the kiddos to the lake today and it was a blast!! 

Saige absolutely loved playing in the water.  The second I took her pants and shoes off, she was in it looking at all the baby fishies (there were literally thousands of minnows where we were swimming).  She is most definitely a water baby!!

She also had to have some lovin' on baby sissy time... :)

Little Swayzee Mae was so happy and content all day long.  She loves being outside enjoying the sunshine. 

Even though Saige was super excited about walking around with thousands of baby fishies, she was less than thrilled with the big [I should say bigger... it was definitely not big lol..] fish.    I couldn't even get her to kiss it for the picture dang it! 

We started to get bored playing alone, so we called up Aunt "Yamba" and Journey to come entertain us!

Journey DID NOT like the water at first.  I walked him out into it and he had a grip on me so tight I could let go and he was still there.  I finally pried him off of me and put him in the water.. this was the result.... 

We kept watching him and eventually he got braver and braver, walking out a little further each time and running like someone was chasing him back onto the dirt.  Eventually he was as excited as Saige to play in the water.  

This particular lake is pretty much kid heaven because not only is there water to swim in, there's a sandy beach and a playground (which was EXTREMELY hot today so we didn't play there much). 

Next time we will come prepared with swim suits, floaties, life jackets, and lots of sand toys! 

We really had such a blast today and I CAN'T wait till we go back again!! :)

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