Thursday, August 1, 2013

" May your family be blessed with more joy than your hearts can hold"

Today something happened, that touched my heart forever.  A message from a customer that I will never forget.  I feel it has impacted me so much that I needed to share.  <3 My heart is so happy today.

I haven't really introduced my business on my blog yet, or given much background other than a link to my shop.  

In June 2010 I suffered a miscarriage, my first pregnancy.  It was a planned pregnancy that we had been trying for, for months.  It was devastating.  It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to go through. I wasn't pregnant for long, only 10 weeks, but unless you have gone through this kind of loss, it's difficult to understand.  I don't really look at it as losing a baby, but in those short 10 weeks, you heart runs wild with hopes and dreams for this little life that you have created. The day I miscarried, those dreams were shattered, & so was my heart.  Someday I will blog about it, but today is not the day.  Today is a day of happiness. 

The only ultrasound picture we got, two days before I lost the baby.

After our heartbreaking loss, I searched and searched for something to remember that little flicker of life.  I discovered hand stamped jewelry on Etsy and instantly fell in love.  I decided to buy the supplies and create something beautiful.   I started to stamp as a business in November of 2011, after Saige was born and started selling on Etsy [click >>here<< for a link to my Etsy shop] in March of 2012.  I was completely hooked.  I am working on my own website with a goal of launching before October.  You can always get to my shop at the top of my blog, click on the "Stampressions Jewelry" tab. You can also show my Facebook page some love too, plus there are great coupon codes! >>here<<

Every single piece that I make is unique & handmade.  
Every letter is hammered onto the metal one at a time with individual tools.  
SO much work goes into every piece.  
No two pieces are exactly the same. 
No piece is perfect. 
I pour my heart into my jewelry.  

Stampressions began as a hobby, making things for friends and family, and blossomed into my full time job.  I absolutely love what it has become and I am proud of where I am today.  At the time of my miscarriage I kept hearing the same thing, over and over, then it made me so angry, but now it seems to make sense.  "Everything happens for a reason".  Because of our sweet little angel, I get to work from home with my kids and provide a better life for our family.  Many of the great blessings that I have today, stemmed from that experience.

Many of the pieces I make are gifts, fun, kids names, cute sayings, gifts for Dad.  Other pieces go to those who have lost something and are trying to get a little piece back.  Sometime to give them comfort, remember what they have lost.  Some of the stories behind pieces that I make are heartbreaking and I stamp them through tears.    

On Monday I got a message through Etsy from a woman who needed a piece by Thursday for her Sister in law to wear at her son's funeral.  She didn't give details, but the loss of any child is tragic.  We went through the details of what she wanted and got everything squared away and for some reason, she opened up to me.  She just seemed like she needed someone to talk to, someone who couldn't judge, someone she didn't know.  She shared with me the loss of her daughter 20 years ago and how she was dreading her nephews funeral for fear of flashbacks of her own daughters passing.  She shared about her step children and her son and daughter, and we exchanged emails throughout the day.  Something in this woman sparked a little fire in my heart that made me want to help her.  I decided I would design something just for her, a gift to "Pay it Forward" and help give this woman a little boost.  After wracking my brains, I created this piece.  I sent two separate plates as I wasn't sure how close she was with her step children and wanted her to be able to choose what one to wear.  (I added a few colored stones to the piece as I didn't know what her children's birthstones were for sample photos in my Etsy shop)

Much to my surprise, I received this email today:

"First of all your work for my sister in law is absolutely perfect!  I think she will cherish the necklace as she cherishes her memories of [her son].

Your note to me was amazing.  It gave me a much needed feeling of being understood when it comes to my feelings about my daughter.  The necklace is beyond perfect for me.  I didn't realize you did that type necklace.  I love them and had wanted one.  I first discovered the locket type necklace last October at a craft show.  There was a women selling origami owl lockets.  I took her name and ended up ordering both my mom and my mother in law a locket for their Christmas gift .  Each one had different plates/disks to match their personality and charms.  I didn't know anyone made a plate that could be personalized to go into that type locket.  I am beyond amazed because that is exactly the size and style I love.  To see the names personalized on mine touched my heart in a way that words cannot express.  You made two disks one with the two and the other with the four names all I can say is wow! 

As I was ordering the other necklace for [my sister in law] I thought about getting a personalized necklace someday for me with names.  I wondered how I would do it.  I wondered would I do all four or just the two.  Which would feel right? and which wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings.  The night I was staying awake hoping to hear from you I thought about it a lot.  I even thought that I might just have to get two personalized necklaces.  Then there is another amazing thing I thought about the locket necklace and how had I wanted one of them.  I know myself and I thought there is no way I would ever get both.  I sat there wondering which I would prefer if I saved the money to get one, the tree personalized with names or an origami owl necklace with sweet words & charms.  I didn't know anyone did locket necklace besides OO.  So what did you do you sent me a locket necklace the perfect color and size. That necklace came with the names of my children personalized in it.  Two different plates one with my two and the other with my children and step children.  My husband four children and all siblings!  Miracle you made both as a gift for me! WOW again. The charm choices were just perfect.  Honestly I don't think anyone knows me well enough to have picked out the things you just made and put together for me.

There is no proper way to thank you.  I will always remember your kindness.  I like to do things to pay it forward also and will continue to do so.  This is the first time it has ever happened to me. Again my words are inadequate.  I thank you for helping me getting through a very hard time.  I thank you for listening as I talked in my emails to you.  I thank you for understanding how my nephews loss would bring out my memories of the hardest time in my life.  I thank you for answering my first email.  I thank you for making sure you got my sister in law's necklace done and mailed in time to get here.  I thank you for doing something you couldn't know would give me hope.  I have felt hopeless for a long time.  I thank you for your words that I will read over and over again at times I need a little boost.  I thank you for a necklace that will give me the strength to be strong during this time, strong enough to help [my sister in law].

May your family be blessed with more joy than your hearts can hold. "

Her message instantly brought me to tears, more like sobbing.  Poor Saigey was in the back seat of the truck asking if I was okay.  My heart was bursting.

Many times in this business we get caught in a cycle of "unhappy" emails, "you forgot this birthstone", "it's not the size I expected", "I don't like the font", and it is easy to get burnt out because the work can be repetitive and sometimes boring.  When you get a message like the one above, it brightens your entire attitude, not only in business, but in life.  

I am so grateful for the many blessings that I have in my life and I already feel more joy than my heart can hold.  I will forever remember this woman's words.  They are printed out, hanging next to my workbench so anytime I need a boost, they are there for me to read.  

Thank you for your kind words and loving heart.  I will always remember you.


  1. Touched. Not surprised by any of it; just touched. You are special, Ashley. You always have been. Keep inspiring me. I love you.

  2. Wow. That made me bawl like a baby! That's so awesome.

  3. :) :) Definitely the best message I've ever received from a customer.


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