Monday, August 5, 2013

21 Days NO JUNK FOOD Challenge!

One of my best friends, Arlene from In the life of Sky and Kash Blog, asked me to join a challenge with her today. 


We have vowed to check in with each other daily even though we live 3 hours away from each other throughout our weight loss journey.  Having someone to keep me accountable has always been a huge motivation for me.  She is such an inspiration to me.  She had her sweet little boy Kash in March and has already lost more than 30 pounds!!  I'm SO excited to have someone to talk to every day to keep me motivated!

Anyways, more about the challenge! 

Basically all you need to know is NO JUNK for 21 days.  You can print out the list and hang it on the fridge as a BIG reminder! I will do a weekly check in, feel free to update with your progress in the comments. :)

Who wants to join the challenge with us!? 

1 comment:

  1. Ash!! I'm so excited that you are going to do this with me! And you are so sweet to say that I inspired you, but if you remember you first blog about loosing weight is what inspired me!! We are a great team and am excited we are doing this together! The only thing that could make this better is if we lived in the same town :) then we could run together. That's where I really need motivation now :D


I would love to hear tips, tricks, and advice from some other mommies! Please share your stories!